Term Condition

Welcome to India's Live Cricket ID

When you access the Site and its Services (defined below), you are also agreeing to our Privacy Policy. This Policy is part of the Terms of Service, which together make up the “Agreement.” It’s a legal contract between you and us.

“Your” or “your” means any person who uses this site, utilizes these Services or operates this Software.

Important: Before using the Site or Services, go through the Privacy Policy.

Once You use the Site, you have consented to be bound by these terms and conditions.

1.Acceptance and Changes to the Agreement

If you do not wish to accept any part of this Agreement, stop using the Site and Services immediately.

We may modify this Agreement at times. Any changes will become effective after 14 days from being posted on this Website, or earlier as required by law. Use of the Site after that time shall indicate your acceptance of such changes.

The current terms and conditions should always be looked into. We recommend checking regularly for updates in both Terms of Service as well as Privacy Policy.

We can discontinue or suspend your access to the Site or Services at any time without any form of reimbursement if we think you have violated this agreement.

2.Use of The SIte And services

You must be over 18 years old in order to use our services and it must also be within lawful limits according to your country’s regulations (the “Legal age”)

The site is designed only for people above Legal Age. If you are not yet Legal Age then stop accessing the site and its services forthwith.

3.The services

The Gambling Industry and Casino Games’ information are available on our website (the “Services”).

Our services are provided free of charge for information purposes only. We don’t run any online casino nor do we take bets on anything else

4.Intellectual Property Rights

The content of the Site (the “Site Content”) is owned by us, our affiliates and/or licensors.

Do not delete or modify any copyright or proprietary notices on this site.

These Trade Marks and / or the Site Content are owned by either our affiliates or licensors. By using the site you have no rights in those Trade Marks or the Site Content

5.User Content

You may upload your own content to this site (“User Content”). You take full responsibility for your User Content and we are not responsible for it. By posting User Content, you grant us a perpetual, irrevocable license to use such content in any manner without compensation.

We are under no obligation to monitor user content but can remove or edit it at any time.

Don’t post personal information when submitting user content, be nice, don’t cause trouble and do not put illegal material on the website.

6.Prohibited Activities

You promise not to:

Steal other people’s personal data.

Engage in illegal actions through this website.

Change anything about what is on this website, including but not limited to Site content created by others,

Distribute Malware and/or nefarious software via our infrastructure,

Abusing copyrights that belong to us,

7.Your promises

By making use of Our services, you warrant that:

You are 18 years old or more;

Your use of This Website is for noncommercial purposes only;

Your use of The SIte is legal within your jurisdiction;

You shall abide by these Agreement terms;

No illegal activities will be carried out on the SIte using your account; and

There will be no impersonation of others via your account.

8.Third-Party Content

The Site may link to other websites or content (“Third Party Content”). We are not responsible for Third Party Content and don’t endorse it. Use Third Party Content at your own risk.

9.Gaming Services

The Site provides information about gaming and gambling for your enjoyment.

Gaming Services are only for users in places where gambling is legal. It’s your responsibility to ensure you comply with your local laws.

Using Gaming Services means you accept the risk of losing money. We are not liable for any gambling losses.

We don’t provide legal advice about gambling. Please read our Responsible Gambling Policy if you choose to gamble.


Using the Site and Services is at your own risk. The Site and Services are provided “as is.” We disclaim all warranties, including that the Site will meet your needs, and be uninterrupted, or error-free.

11.Limitation of Liability

The Company and its partners are not responsible for any loss or damage caused by using the Site or Services. This includes direct or indirect losses, like lost profits or business interruptions, even if you told us such losses might happen.

The Company and its partners are also not responsible for any loss or damage from using links on the Site or content on other linked sites.

You agree that the Company is not responsible for any changes, suspension, or discontinuation of the Site or Services.


By using the Site or Services, you agree to protect and hold us and our team harmless from any claims, losses, or expenses, including legal fees, resulting from:

Any breach of this Agreement by you

Your use of the Site or Services

Your violation of any laws

Your negligence or willful misconduct

You must notify us immediately of any claims and cooperate with us in any defense against them.

13.Notification of Copyright Infringement

If you believe any content on the Site infringes your copyright, notify the Company’s Copyright Agent with the following information:

Your name and company (if applicable)

Your contact details

Details of the allegedly infringing material, including its URL

A signature of someone authorized to act on your behalf

A statement of your good faith belief that the material is not authorized by the copyright owner

A statement that the information is accurate and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner

14.Termination of the Agreement

We can end this Agreement and your access to the Site and Services immediately if:

We decide to stop providing the Services or Site

We believe you violated the Agreement

Your use of the Services or Site is improper

For any other reasonable reason

15.Governing Law and Arbitration

By using the Site or Services, you agree that the Agreement is governed by laws of England & Wales. Any disputes will be resolved through binding arbitration in London, UK, under rules of London Court for International Arbitration.


You agree to keep any disputes and related information confidential except as required by law.

17.Entire Agreement

This Agreement represents all agreements between us about using this site as well as service provisions thus it replaces any others.


If any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid, the rest will still be in effect.

19.Unfixable Damage

You acknowledge the damage that we will suffer for breaking this Agreement cannot be adequately compensated by payment of money only. We may seek other remedies such as injunctions without having to prove special damages.

20.Provisions Surviving Termination

Some parts of this Agreement will remain in effect even after it ends until they are no longer needed.


Not enforcing a part of this Agreement does not imply that we have decided to abandon our rights to enforce it later on

22.Third Parties

This Agreement neither confers any rights on third parties nor creates any joint venture between you and us.


We can assign, delegate or transfer our rights under this Agreement without notice or consent from you. Your rights under this Agreement are not transferable or assignable.

Competitions 2021

Eligibility : Open to persons aged 18 years and above who are residents of the applicable countries, excluding certain individuals and their families.

Participation : It is each person’s own responsibility to check if their participation is legal in the place where they reside.

Competition Period : Starts from February 5th, 2021 (Current terms also apply for previous promotions running between March and November 2020).

Entry : The entry must be online via livecricketidofindia.com with no purchase required; it may involve playing few games or doing listed activities.

Prizes :  Different Amazon vouchers and instant win prizes, subject to terms  Winners are selected at random through a draw or instant win mechanism Within twenty eight days of the prize draw winners will be notified via email.

Verification : The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to require entrants’ eligibility including but not limited to area of residence information which must be completed in full.

Disqualification : The Promoter may disqualify entries which are fraudulent or improper….

Data protection  : Competition data will be collected and used for marketing purposes where consent is given, see Privacy Policy.

Liability : except in cases of negligence, the Promoter will not be responsible for any loss, injury or damage arising out of or in connection with the competition.

Publicity : The winner agrees to have his/her name and image used for promotional purposes.

Acceptance : Participants agree to these terms and conditions by entering. The Promoter’s decision is final.

Law : These Terms shall be governed by English law…. England and Wales courts have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising out of them.

25.Additional information on winnings ticker

Winnings are computed based on historical player data from 1995, not real-time data feed. This covers all winning wagers but does not include losses. Please gamble responsibly at all times.